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Wednesday, September 27, 2006


Hello visitors,

I have been exploring my new beta blog recently and have set-up a new section called simply "Reviews". By adding posts under this label I hope to build up a body of reviews for a variety of films. Essentially, these film reviews will be divided between 'bitesize reviews' of typically 250-500 words and longer pieces titled 'full reviews' of upwards of 1, 000 words. The former will act as a brief account of my immediate response to a particular film and be spoiler free, whilst alternatively the latter will more often than not contain spoilers and act as a more in depth consideration of the film in question.

You will see I have started to add posts to this thread using existing reviews I wrote for the Kent Newspaper Group. As a result these films are 3 or 4 years old but this was simply to get the REVIEWS section up an running. In the future I will be adding both 'bitesize reviews' and the more substantial 'full reviews' for contemporary films released theatrically and existing releases on DVD.

Your opinions are welcome, so please feel free to leave comments about the new REVIEWS section or a particular review.

Best wishes

The Count

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